1. Course fees are payable upon enrolment in a course or at least 7 days prior to the commencement of a workshop, otherwise cancellation of your booking will be assumed.
  2. Payment can be made by either cheque, money order, cash or by Internet Banking (Westpac BSB: 033 052 Acct. no. 640780). Credit card or EFTPOS facilities are available and incur a small fee.
  3. Postal enrolments can be made by forwarding a stamped self- addressed envelope with your enrolment form and cheque/money order or credit card details. Your receipt or internet banking confirmation and list of class requirements will then be forwarded to you.
  4. A discount applies to holders of a Concession, Health Care, Student or Seniors Card in most classes. There is also a Multiple Class discount for undertaking 3 or more classes in the same term and a Family Discount for an immediate family member attending the same class.
  5. All classes run subject to sufficient enrolments. Full refunds will be given if a class is cancelled by the House. Students who have paid will be notified of cancellations.
  6. Refunds will not be given to students who choose to discontinue a course once it has commenced. A refund, less a $5 administration charge, will be given if a student notifies the House to cancel their enrolment at least one week prior to the commencement of the class.
  7. Replacement classes cannot always be given for sessions missed by students. Missed classes may be credited to the following term in the case of an ongoing illness or injury of 3 or more weeks consecutive duration with the provision of a Medical Certificate. Credits must be taken within 6 months.
  8. Applicants can enrol in most classes at any time during the term if there is a place available in the class. Fees are then calculated pro rata.