Introduction and Welcome
Constructed in the mid-1850s by the Ingram family, Bellfield House was purchased by the Waverley Council in 1979 and established as a Neighbourhood House in 1980. Mount Street Neighbourhood House offers a broad range of quality, low cost art, craft, computer, language, cooking and fitness programs in a friendly and supportive environment.
The House also has rooms available for hire by community groups at very reasonable rates.
Mount Street Neighbourhood House is a Community Learning Centre that aims to provide a broad range of quality and low cost courses, workshops and activities in a friendly and supportive environment.
All are welcome to attend our courses at the House and you will find the full program of activities on this website.
Latest News
Seniors - Dance to fitness with Lil. It's not only working out and burning calories. But also dancing and having fun! Held Fridays 9.30 - 10.30 am from February 14 - April 4. 8 sessions for $96 Sign up now for Term 1, 2025!
Join "What's New In Italy" editor Luciano Pirrottina for an 8 week course covering basic Italian for travelling in Italy, plus heaps of tips including protocols and sightseeing advice. Weekly classes Thursday February 13- April 3. Cost $160
Join this new Social Group and watch selected new and classic movies on our 75 inch TV then discuss the movie over Afternoon Tea. Expressions of Interest now being taken for Term 1, 2025. Phone or email the Office for details and registration.

Our Technology Partner.
Curious4ever is our technology partner and maintain this website for us.
- Curious4ever is a learning platform for students to learn through practice tests and assessments. This is one of the most effective ways of learning.